Peer-reviewed scientific papers co-authored by the staff members of nthalmic.
< class="collapseomatic arrowright greybar" id="id6711b1ca58911" tabindex="0" title="2020" >2020>
- Kim, Eon; Ehrmann, Klaus; (2020). Refractive index of soft contact lens materials measured in packaging solution and standard phosphate buffered saline and the effect on back vertex power calculation Cont Lens Anterior Eye article
- Koumbo Mekountchou, Ingrid Ornella; Conrad, Fabian; Sankaridurg, Padmaja; Ehrmann, Klaus; (2020). Peripheral eye length measurement techniques: a review Clin Exp Optom article
- Jagadeesh, Divya; Philip, Krupa; Fedtke, Cathleen; Jong, Monica; Ly, Angelica; Sankaridurg, Padmaja (2020). Posterior segment conditions associated with myopia and high myopia Clin Exp Optom article
< class="collapseomatic arrowright greybar" id="id6711b1ca58c13" tabindex="0" title="2019" >2019>
- Fedtke, Cathleen; Ehrmann, Klaus; Bakaraju, Ravi C. (2019). Peripheral refraction and spherical aberration profiles with single vision, bifocal and multifocal soft contact lenses Journal of Optometry article
- Jong, Monica; Tilia, Daniel; Sha, Jennifer; Diec, Jennie; Thomas, Varghese; Bakaraju, Ravi C. (2019). The Relationship between Visual Acuity, Subjective Vision, and Willingness to Purchase Simultaneous-image Contact Lenses Optometry and Vision Science article
- Sankaridurg, Padmaja; Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Naduvilath, Thomas; Chen, Xiang; Weng, Rebecca; Tilia, Daniel; Xu, Pauline; Li, Wayne; Conrad, Fabian; Smith, Earl L.; Ehrmann, Klaus (2019). Myopia control with novel central and peripheral plus contact lenses and extended depth of focus contact lenses: 2 year results from a randomised clinical trial Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics article
- Tilia, Daniel; Sha, Jennifer; Thomas, Varghese; Bakaraju, Ravi C. (2019). Vision Performance and Accommodative/Binocular Function in Children Wearing Prototype Extended Depth-of-Focus Contact Lenses Eye and Contact Lens article
- Fricke, Tim; Tilia, Daniel; Tran, Minh, Anh; Hurairah, Helena (2019). Optical interventions to slow the progression of myopia Community Eye Health article
- Sha, Jennfer; Fedtke, Cathleen; Tilia, Daniel; Yeotikar, Nisha; Jong, Monica; Diec, Jennie; Thomas, Varghese; Bakaraju, Ravi C. (2019). Effect of cylinder power and axis changes on vision in astigmatic participants Clin Optom article
- Jagadeesh, Divya; Philip, Krupa; Naduvilath, Thomas; Fedtke, Cathleen; Jong, Monica; Zou, Haidong; Sankaridurg, Padmaja (2019). Tessellated fundus appearance and its association with myopic refractive error Clin Exp Optom article
< class="collapseomatic arrowright greybar" id="id6711b1ca59172" tabindex="0" title="2018" >2018>
- Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Tilia, Daniel; Sha, Jennifer; Diec, Jennie; Chung, Jiyoon; Kho, Danny; Delaney, Shona; Munro, Anna; Thomas, Varghese (2018). Extended depth of focus contact lenses vs. two commercial multifocals: Part 2. Visual performance after 1 week of lens wear Journal of Optometry article
- Delaney, Shona; Bakaraju, Ravi; Tilia, Daniel; Chung, Jiyoon; Sha, Jennifer; Munro, Anna; Ehrmann, Klaus; Naduvilath, Thomas; Holden, Brien (2018). Factors determining success with presbyopic contact lenses Contact Lens and Anterior Eye article
- Diec, Jennie; Tilia, Daniel; Thomas, Varghese; Bakaraju, Ravi C. (2018). Predicting Short-Term Subjective Vision Performance of Contact Lenses Used in Myopia Control Eye and Contact Lens article
- Ehrmann, Klaus; Saha, Mou; Falk, Darrin (2018). A novel method to stimulate mechanoreceptors and quantify their threshold values Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express article
- Kho, Danny; Fedtke, Cathleen; Tilia, Daniel; Diec, Jennie; Sha, Jennifer; Thomas, Varghese; Bakaraju, Ravi C. (2018). Effects of relative negative spherical aberration in single vision contact lens visual performance Clinical Optometry article
- Kim, Eon; Saha, Mou; Ehrmann, Klaus (2018). Mechanical Properties of Contact Lens Materials Eye and Contact Lens article
- Munro, Anna; Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Chung, Jyoon; Sha, Jennifer; Tilia, Daniel; Delaney, Shona; Ehrmann, Klaus; Thomas, Varghese; Holden, Brien (2018). Evaluation of the potential of novel extended depth-of-focus contact lenses compared with AirOptix AQUA multifocal contact lenses Contact Lens and Anterior Eye article
- Ozkan, Jerome; Fedtke, Cathleen; Chung, Jiyoon; Thomas, Varghese; Bakaraju, Ravi C. (2018). Short-term adaptation of accommodative responses in myopes fitted with multifocal contact lenses Eye and Contact Lens article
- Sankaridurg, Padmaja; Conrad, Fabian; Tran, Huy; Zhu, Jianfeng (2018). Controlling Progression of Myopia: Optical and Pharmaceutical Strategies Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology article
- Sha, Jennifer; Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Chung, Jiyoon; Tilia, Daniel; Delaney, Shona; Munro, Anna; Ehrmann, Klaus; Thomas, Varghese; Holden, Brien A. (2018). Visual performance with commercial soft multifocal contact lenses Contact Lens and Anterior Eye article
- Sha, Jennifer; Tilia, Daniel; Kho, Danny; Amrizal, Hamdy; Diec, Jennie; Yeotikar, Nisha; Jong, Monica; Thomas, Varghese; Bakaraju, Ravi C. (2018). Visual Performance of Daily-disposable Multifocal Soft Contact Lenses: A Randomized, Double-blind Clinical Trial Optometry and Vision Science article
- Sha, Jennifer; Tilia, Daniel; Kho, Danny; Diec, Jennie; Thomas, Varghese; Bakaraju, Ravi C. (2018). Comparison of Extended Depth-of-Focus Prototype Contact Lenses With the 1-Day ACUVUE MOIST MULTIFOCAL After One Week of Wear Eye and Contact Lens article
- Tilia, Daniel; Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Chung, Jiyoon; Sha, Jennifer; Delaney, Shona; Munro, Anna; Thomas, Varghese; Ehrmann, Klaus; Holden, Brien (2018). Evaluation of novel-design extended depth of focus multifocal contact lenses Contact Lens and Anterior Eye article
- Sha, Jennfer; Tilia, Daniel; Diec, Jennie; Fedtke, Cathleen; Yeotikar, Nisha; Jong, Monica; Thomas, Varghese; Bakaraju, Ravi C. (2018). Visual performance of myopia control soft contact lenses in non-presbyopic myopes Clinical Optometry article
- Diec, Jennie; Tilia, Daniel; Thomas, Varghese (2018). Comparison of Silicone Hydrogel and Hydrogel Daily Disposable Contact Lenses Eye and Contact Lens article
- Diec, Jennie; Naduvilath, Thomas; Tilia, Daniel (2018). Subjective Ratings and Satisfaction in Contact Lens Wear Optometry and Vision Science article
- Lazon de la Jara, Percy; Diec, Jennie; Naduvilath, Thomas; Papas, Eric (2018). Measuring Daily Disposable Contact Lenses against Nonwearer Benchmarks Optometry and Vision Science article
- Diec, Jennie; Tilia, Daniel; Naduvilath, Thomas; Bakaraju, Ravi C. (2018). Predicting short-term performance of multifocal contact lenses Eye and Contact Lens article
- Flanagan, Judith; De Souza, Neilsen; (2018). Simulation in ophthalmic training Asia Pac J Ophthalmol (Phila) article
< class="collapseomatic arrowright greybar" id="id6711b1ca594ae" tabindex="0" title="2017" >2017>
- Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Ehrmann, Klaus; Ho, Arthur (2017). Extended depth of focus contact lenses vs. two commercial multifocals: Part 1. Optical performance evaluation via computed through-focus retinal image quality metrics Journal of Optometry article
- Ehrmann, Klaus (2017). Rigid Lens Measurement Contact Lens Practice (Third Edition) article
- Fedtke, Cathleen; Ehrmann, Klaus; Thomas, Varghese; Bakaraju, Ravi C. (2017). Peripheral Refraction and Aberration Profiles with Multifocal Lenses Optometry and Vision Science article
- Fedtke, Cathleen; Sha, Jennifer; Thomas, Varghese; Ehrmann, Klaus; Bakaraju, Ravi C. (2017). Impact of Spherical Aberration Terms on Multifocal Contact Lens Performance Optometry and Vision Science article
- Kim, Eon; Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Ehrmann, Klaus (2017). Power Profiles of Commercial Multifocal Soft Contact Lenses Optometry and Vision Science article
- Tilia, Daniel; Munro, Anna; Chung, Jiyoon; Sha, Jennifer; Delaney, Shona; Kho, Danny; Thomas, Varghese; Ehrmann, Klaus; Bakaraju, Ravi C. (2017). Short-term comparison between extended depth-of-focus prototype contact lenses and a commercially-available center-near multifocal Journal of Optometry article
- Diec, Jennie; Naduvilath Thomas; Tilia, Daniel; Papas, Eric; Lazon de la Jara, Percy (2017). Discrimination of subjective responses between contact lenses with a novel questionnaire Contact Lens and Anterior Eye article
< class="collapseomatic arrowright greybar" id="id6711b1ca597f5" tabindex="0" title="2016" >2016>
- Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Ehrmann, Klaus; Thomas, Varghese; Fedtke, Cathleen (2016). Association between multifocal soft contact lens decentration and visual performance Clinical Optometry article
- Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Fedtke, Cathleen; Ehrmann, Klaus; Falk, Darrin; Thomas, Varghese; Holden, Brien Anthony (2016). Peripheral refraction and higher-order aberrations with cycloplegia and fogging lenses using the BHVI-EyeMapper Journal of Optometry article
- Fedtke, Cathleen; Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Ehrmann, Klaus; Chung, Jiyoon; Thomas, Varghese; Holden, Brien A. (2016). Visual performance of single vision and multifocal contact lenses in non-presbyopic myopic eyes Contact Lens and Anterior Eye article
- Fedtke, Cathleen; Ehrmann, Klaus; Thomas, Varghese; Bakaraju, Ravi C. (2016). Visual performance with multifocal soft contact lenses in non-presbyopic myopic eyes during an adaptation period Clinical Optometry article
- Kim, Eon; Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Ehrmann, Klaus (2016). Reliability of power profiles measured on NIMO TR1504 (Lambda-X) and effects of lens decentration for single vision, bifocal and multifocal contact lenses Journal of Optometry article
- Spierer, Oriel; Felix, Elizabeth R.; McClellan, Allison L.; Parel, Jean Marie; Gonzalez, Alex; Feuer, William J.; Sarantopoulos, Constantine D.; Levitt, Roy C.; Ehrmann, Klaus; Galor, Anat (2016). Corneal mechanical thresholds negatively associate with dry eye and ocular pain symptoms Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science article
- Tilia, Daniel; Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Chung, Jiyoon; Sha, Jennifer; Delaney, Shona; Munro, Anna; Thomas, Varghese; Ehrmann, Klaus; Holden, Brien A. (2016). Short-term visual performance of novel extended depth-of-focus contact lenses Optometry and Vision Science article
- Sha, Jennifer; Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Tilia, Daniel; Chung, Jiyoon; Delaney, Shona; Munro, Anna; Ehrmann, Klaus; Thomas, Varghese; Holden, Brien A. (2016). Short-term visual performance of soft multifocal contact lenses for presbyopia Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia article
- Millodot, Michel; Ortenberg, Ilya; Lahav-Yacouel, Karen; Behrman, Shmuel (2016). Effect of ageing on keratoconic corneas J Optom article
- Woodman-Pieterse, Emily C; De Souza, Neilsen; Vincent, Stephen J (2016). The influence of a novel simulated learning environment upon student clinical subjective refraction performance: A pilot study Clin Exp Optom article
< class="collapseomatic arrowright greybar" id="id6711b1ca59a57" tabindex="0" title="2015" >2015>
- Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Fedtke, Cathleen; Ehrmann, Klaus; Ho, Arthur (2015). Comparing the relative peripheral refraction effect of single vision and multifocal contact lenses measured using an autorefractor and an aberrometer: A pilot study Journal of Optometry article
- Nankivil, Derek; Heilman, Bianca Maceo; Durkee, Heather; Manns, Fabrice; Ehrmann, Klaus; Kelly, Shawn; Arrieta-Quintero, Esdras; Parel, Jean Marie (2015). The zonules selectively alter the shape of the lens during accommodation based on the location of their anchorage points Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science article
- Wagner, Sandra; Conrad, Fabian; Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Fedtke, Cathleen; Ehrmann, Klaus; Holden, B. A (2015). Power profiles of single vision and multifocal soft contact lenses Contact Lens and Anterior Eye article
- Tan, Kah Ooi; Koh, Yu Wei; Alison Tan, Chen Siew; Teo, Cong Ling (2015). Evaluation of stability of lens rotation and lens wear comfort of toric soft contact lenses in Singapore Contact Lens and Anterior Eye article
- Papas, Eric; Tilia, Daniel; McNally, John; Lazon de la Jara, Percy (2015). Ocular discomfort responses after short periods of contact lens wear Optometry and Vision Science article
< class="collapseomatic arrowright greybar" id="id6711b1ca5a810" tabindex="0" title="early days" >early days>
- De La Jara, Percy Lazon; Sankaridurg, Padmaja; Ehrmann, Klaus; Holden, Brien A. (2014). Influence of contact lens power profile on peripheral refractive error Optometry and Vision Science article
- Fedtke, Cathleen; Ehrmann, Klaus; Falk, Darrin; Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Holden, Brien A. (2014). The BHVI-EyeMapper Optometry and Vision Science article
- Rohit, Athira; Ehrmann, Klaus; Naduvilath, Thomas; Willcox, Mark; Stapleton, Fiona (2014). Validating a new device for measuring tear evaporation rates Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics article
- Papas, Eric; Tilia, Daniel; Tomlinson, Daniel; Williams, Josh; Chan, Eddy; Chan, Jason; Golebiowski, Blanka (2014). Consequences of wear interruption for discomfort with contact lenses Optometry and Vision Science article
- Tilia, Daniel; Lazon de la Jara, Percy, Weng, Rebecca; Naduvilath, Thomas; Willcox, Mark (2014). Short-term clinical comparison of two dual-disinfection multipurpose disinfecting solutions Eye and Contact Lens article
- Tilia, Daniel; Lazon de la Jara, Percy; Zhu, Hua; Naduvilath, Thomas; Holden, Brien (2014). The effect of compliance on contact lens case contamination Optometry and Vision Science article
- Kim, Eon; Ehrmann, Klaus; Choo, Jennifer; Franz, Sylvie; Moilanen, Jukka (2013). The effect of inlay implantation on corneal thickness and radius of curvature in rabbit eyes Cornea article
- Ozkan, Jerome; Ehrmann, Klaus; Meadows, David; Lally, John; Holden, Brien; De la Jara, Percy Lazon (2013). Lens parameter changes under in vitro and ex vivo conditions and their effect on the conjunctiva Contact Lens and Anterior Eye article
- Takatori, Sho C.; de la Jara, Percy Lazon; Holden, Brien; Ehrmann, Klaus; Ho, Arthur; Radke, Clayton J. (2013). In vivo corneal oxygen uptake during soft-contact-lens wear Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science article
- Babaei Omali, Negar; Zhao, Zhenjun; Zhu, Hua; Tilia, Daniel; Willcox, Mark (2013). Quantification of individual proteins in silicone hydrogel contact lens deposits Molecular Vision article
- Lazon de la Jara, Percy; Papas, Eric; Diec, Jennie; Naduvilath, Thomas; Willcox, Mark; Holden, Brien (2013). Effect of lens care systems on the clinical performance of a contact lens Optometry and Vision Science article
- Tilia, Daniel; Lazon de la Jara, Percy; Peng, Nikki; Papas, Eric; Holden, Brien (2013). Effect of lens and solution choice on the comfort of contact lens wearers Optometry and Vision Science article
- Diec, Jennie; Papas, Eric; Naduvilath, Thomas; Xu, Pauline; Holden, Brien; Lazon de la Jara, Percy (2013). Combined effect of comfort and adverse events on contact lens performance Optometry and Vision Science article
- Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Ehrmann, Klaus; Falk, Darrin; Ho, Arthur; Papas, Eric (2012). Optical performance of multifocal soft contact lenses via a single-pass method Optometry and Vision Science article
- Conrad, Fabian; Chen, Xiang; de la Jara, Percy Lazon; Smith, Earl; Sankaridurg, Padmaja; Holden, Brien; Ge, Jian (2012). Retention rates and subjective responses of myopic children wearing single vision soft contact lenses Contact Lens and Anterior Eye article
- Kim, Eon; Ehrmann, Klaus (2012). Assessment of accuracy and repeatability of anterior segment optical coherence tomography and reproducibility of measurements using a customised software program Clinical and Experimental Optometry article
- Philip, Krupa; Martinez, Aldo; Ho, Arthur; Conrad, Fabian; Ale, Jit; Mitchell, Paul; Sankaridurg, Padmaja; Martinez, Aldo; Ale, Jit; Mitchell, Paul (2012). Total ocular, anterior corneal and lenticular higher order aberrations in hyperopic, myopic and emmetropic eyes Vision Research article
- Takatori, Sho C.; Radke, Clayton J.; de la Jara, Percy Lazon; Holden, Brien; Ehrmann, Klaus; Ho, Arthur; Radke, Clayton J. (2012). In vivo oxygen uptake into the human cornea Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science article
- Diec, Jennie; Evans, Vicky; Tilia, Daniel; Naduvilath, Thomas; Holden, Brien; Lazon de la Jara, Percy (2012). Comparison of ocular comfort, vision, and SICS during silicone hydrogel contact lens daily wear Eye and Contact Lens article
- Babaei Omali, Negar; Proschogo, Nicholas; Zhu, Hua; Zhao, Zhenjun; Diec, Jennie; Borazjan, Roya; Willcox Mark (2012). Effect of phospholipid deposits on adhesion of bacteria to contact lenses Optometry and Vision Science article
- Diec, Jennie; Lazon de la Jara, Percy; Willcox, Mark; Holden, Brien (2012). The clinical performance of lenses disposed of daily can vary considerably Eye and Contact Lens article
- De Souza, Neilsen; Cui, Yu; Looi, Stephanie; Paudel, Prakash; Shinde, Lakshmi; Kumar, Krishna; Berwal, Rajibir; Wadhwa, Rajesh; Daniel, Vinod; Flanagan, Judith; Holden, Brien (2012). The role of optometrists in India: An integral part of an eye health team Indian J Ophthalmol article
- Fedtke, Cathleen; Ehrmann, Klaus; Ho, Arthur; Holden, Brien A. (2011). Lateral pupil alignment tolerance in peripheral refractometry Optometry and Vision Science article
- Kim, Eon; Ehrmann, Klaus; Uhlhorn, Stephen; Borja, David; Arrieta-Quintero, Esdras; Parel, Jean-Marie (2011). Semiautomated analysis of optical coherence tomography crystalline lens images under simulated accommodation. Journal of biomedical optics article
- Ozkan, Jerome; de la Jara, Percy Lazon; Ehrmann, Klaus; Lally, John; Willcox, Mark D. (2011). Effect of edge shape and lens geometrychanges on conjunctival staining during daily wear Contact Lens and Anterior Eye article
- Lahav, Karen; Levkovithch-Verbin, Hani; Belkin, Michael; Glovincky, Yoseph; Polat, Uri (2011). Reduced Mesopic and Photopic Foveal Contrast Sensitivity in Glaucoma Arch Ophthalmol article
- Cui, Yu; De Souza, Neilsen; Wilson, David; Thurn, Tim; Cronjé, Sonja (2011). The impact of continuing professional development on ophthalmic dispensing of progressive addition lenses in the Asia–Pacific region Clin Exp Optom article
- Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Ehrmann, Klaus; Falk, Darrin; Ho, Arthur; Papas, Eric (2010). Physical human model eye and methods of its use to analyse optical performance of soft contact lenses Optics Express article
- Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Ehrmann, Klaus; Ho, Arthur; Papas, Eric (2010). Inherent ocular spherical aberration and multifocal contact lens optical performance Optometry and Vision Science article
- Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Ehrmann, Klaus; Papas, Eric B.; Ho, Arthur (2010). Depth-of-focus and its association with the spherical aberration sign. A ray-tracing analysis Journal of Optometry article
- Conrad, Fabian; Ehrmann, Klaus; Choo, Jennifer D.; Holden, Brien A. (2010). Finite Element Modeling of Inverted (Inside Out) Soft Contact Lenses Journal of Medical Devices article
- Willcox, Mark; Carnt, Nicole; Diec, Jennie; Naduvilath, Thomas; Evans, Vicky; Stapleton, Fiona; Iskandar Shamil; Harmis Najat; Lazon de la Jara, Percy; Holden, Brien (2010). Contact lens case contamination during daily wear of silicone hydrogels Optometry and Vision Science article
- Zhao, Zhenjun; Naduvilath, Thomas; Flanagan, Judith; Carnt; Nicole; Wei, Xiaojia, Diec, Jennie; Evans, Vicky; Willcox, Mark (2010). Contact lens deposits, adverse responses, and clinical ocular surface parameters Optometry and Vision Science article
- Fedtke, Cathleen;, Manns, Fabrice; Ho, Arthur (2010). The entrance pupil of the human eye: A three-dimensional model of as a function of viewing angle Opt Express article
- Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Ehrmann, Klaus; Falk, Darrin; Papas, Eric B.; Ho, Arthur (2009). Working sketch of an anatomically and optically equivalent physical model eye Proceedings Volume 7163, Ophthalmic Technologies XIX article
- Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Ehrmann, Klaus; Papas, Eric B.; Ho, Arthur (2009). A theoretical design of gradient index multifocal contact lens for correcting presbyopia and an attempt to elicit its performance using ray tracing Proceedings Volume 7163, Ophthalmic Technologies XIX article
- Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Ehrmann, Klaus; Papas, Eric B.; Ho, Arthur (2009). Do peripheral refraction and aberration profiles vary with the type of myopia? – An illustration using a ray-tracing approach Journal of Optometry article
- Ehrmann, Klaus; Falk, Darrin (2009). Optical power mapping using paraxial laser scanning Proceedings Volume 7163, Ophthalmic Technologies XIX article
- Ehrmann, Klaus; Fedtke, Cathleen; Radić, Alexa (2009). Assessment of computer generated vision charts Contact Lens and Anterior Eye article
- Fedtke, Cathleen; Ehrmann, Klaus; Holden, Brien A. (2009). A review of peripheral refraction techniques Optometry and Vision Science article
- Kim, Eon; Ehrmann, Klaus; Uhlhorn, Stephen; Borja, David; Parel, Jean-Marie (2009). Automated analysis of OCT images of the crystalline lens Proceedings Volume 7163, Ophthalmic Technologies XIX article
- Papas, Eric; Dahms, Anne; Carnt, Nicole; Tahhan, Nina; Ehrmann, Klaus (2009). Power profiles and short-term visual performance of soft contact lenses Optometry and Vision Science article
- Diec, Jennie; Carnt, Nicole; Tilia, Daniel; Evans, Vicky; Rao, Vallam; Ozkan, Jerome; Holden, Brien (2009). Prompt diagnosis and treatment of microbial keratitis in a daily wear lens Optometry and Vision Science article
- Zlotnik, Alex; Yaish, Shai; Yehezkel, Oren; Lahav, Karen; Belkin, Michael; Zalevsky, Zeev (2009). Extended depth of focus contact lenses for presbyopia Opt Lett article
- Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Ehrmann, Klaus; Ho, Arthur; Papas, Eric B. (2008). Pantoscopic tilt in spectacle-corrected myopia and its effect on peripheral refraction Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics article
- Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Ehrmann, Klaus; Papas, Eric; Ho, Arthur (2008). Finite schematic eye models and their accuracy to in-vivo data Vision Research article
- Ehrmann, Klaus; Ho, Arthur; Parel, Jean Marie (2008). Biomechanical analysis of the accommodative apparatus in primates Clinical and Experimental Optometry article
- Ehrmann, Klaus; Kim, Eon; Parel, Jean-Marie (2008). Mechanical properties of intra-ocular lenses Proceedings Volume 6844, Ophthalmic Technologies XVIII article
- Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Yeotikar, Nisha S.; Rao, Vallam Srinivas (2007). Accommodative lag versus different stimuli Journal of Modern Optics article
- Garrett, Qian; Simmons, Peter A.; Xu, Shunjiang; Vehige, Joseph; Zhao, Zhenjun; Ehrmann, Klaus; Willcox, Mark; Simmons, Peter A.; Vehige, Joseph (2007). Carboxymethylcellulose binds to human corneal epithelial cells and is a modulator of corneal epithelial wound healing Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science article
- Yeotikar, Nisha S.; Bakaraju, Ravi C.; Reddy, P. S. Roopa; Prasad, Kalyani (2007). Cycloplegic refraction and non-cycloplegic refraction using contralateral fogging: A comparative study Journal of Modern Optics article
- Mann, David; Ho, Nathan; De Souza, Neilsen; Watson, Damien; Taylor, Scott (2007). Is optimal vision required for the successful execution of an interceptive task? Hum Mov Sci article
- Ehrmann, Klaus; Conrad, Fabian; Papas, Eric B.; Ho, Arthur (2006). Measurement of ocular parameters under various directions of gaze Proceedings Volume 6138, Ophthalmic Technologies XVI article
- Ehrmann, Klaus; Ho, Arthur; Papas, Eric (2005). A novel method for assessing variations in visual acuity after the blink Contact Lens and Anterior Eye article
- Ehrmann, Klaus; Ho, Arthur; Parel, Jean-Marie (2005). Evaluation of porcine crystalline lenses in comparison with molded polymer gel lenses with an improved ex vivo accommodation simulator Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging – Proceedings of SPIE article
- Ehrmann, Klaus; Ho, Arthur; Parel, Jean-Marie (2004). Ex vivo accommodation simulator II: concept and preliminary results Proceedings Volume 5314, Ophthalmic Technologies XIV article
- Ho, Arthur; Ehrmann, Klaus (2003). Knife-edge system for evaluating contact lenses Proceedings Volume 3908, Ophthalmic Technologies X article
- Ho, Arthur; Papas, Eric B.; Keshavarzi, Kaykhosrow; Lum, Edward; Ehrmann, Klaus (2003). Dacryomeniscometry: an early attempt Proceedings Volume 3908, Ophthalmic Technologies X article
- Ehrmann, Klaus; Francis, Ian; Stapleton, Fiona (2001). A novel instrument to quantify the tension of upper and lower eyelids Contact Lens and Anterior Eye article
- Ehrmann, Klaus; Ho, Arthur (2001). Lens prism in RGP manufacturing and its effect on edge quality Contact Lens and Anterior Eye article
- Chapman-Davies, Anthony; Tilia, Daniel (2001). Differentiation between retrocorneal pseudoexfoliative material and keratic precipitates Clinical and Experimental Optometry article
- Ehrmann, Klaus; Ho, Arthur; Schindhelm, Klaus (1998). A 3D optical profilometer using a compact disc reading head Measurement Science and Technology article
- Holden, Brien A.; Tan, Kah Ooi; Sack, Robert A. (1994). The Closed-Eye Challenge Lacrimal Gland, Tear Film, and Dry Eye Syndromes article
- Sack, Robert A.; Underwood, Anne; Tan, Kah Ooi; Morris, Carol (1994). Vitronectin in human tears and protection against closed eye induced inflammatory damage Experimental Eye Research article
- Sack, Robert A.; Underwood, P. Anne; Tan, Kah Ooi; Sutherland, Heidi; Morris, Carol A. (1993). Vitronectin: Possible contribution to the closed-Eye external host-defense mechanism Ocular Immunology and Inflammation article
- Tan, Kah Ooi; Sack, Robert A.; Holden, Brien A.; Swarbrick, Helen A. (1993). Temporal sequence of changes in tear film composition during sleep Current Eye Research article
- Sack, R. A.; Tan, Kah Ooi; Tan, A. (1992). Diurnal tear cycle: Evidence for a nocturnal inflammatory constitutive tear fluid Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science article